AST’s Victorville Learning Center Egg Hunt

Victorville Learning Center 15450 W Sand Street, Victorville, CA, United States

Children will have the opportunity to participate in spring-themed activities, including games, arts and crafts, and an egg hunt in a sensory-friendly and supportive environment.

AST’s Temecula Learning Center Egg Hunt

Temecula Learning Center 44065 Margarita Road, Suite 100, Temecula, CA, United States

Children will have the opportunity to participate in spring-themed activities, including games, arts and crafts projects, an egg hunt, and opportunities to take photos with the spring bunny in a sensory-friendly and supportive environment.

AST’s San Gabriel Learning Center Egg Hunt

San Gabriel Learning Center 515 East Fairview Avenue, Building K, San Gabriel, CA, United States

AST San Gabriel is celebrating the arrival of spring and wants to share our excitement with family and friends!