TSC: A Rare Genetic Disease with a 50% Autism Diagnosis

Kari Luther Rosbeck, President & CEO, TSC Alliance, and Steven L. Roberds, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer, TSC Alliance join us for a discussion about Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSCA) a rare genetic disorder. This is an incredibly educational conversation on how this disease is identified and treated.  About 50% of those diagnosed with TSC, will also have a diagnosis of autism. Even if your child is not at risk for TSC, the thoughtful approach to treatment and resources can be valuable for all parents. As Kari shared, “When people are ready, they need to know; what are the  right questions to ask, what about genetic testing, what about medication, and how does that whole system work?”


Learn more about TSC Alliance by visiting tscalliance.org

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All Autism Talk (allautismtalk.com) is sponsored by LEARN Behavioral (learnbehavioral.com/learnacademy)

Dr. Temple Grandin and Dr. Debra Moore – Navigating Autism

Dr. Temple Grandin returns to the podcast to discuss her latest book, Navigating Autism, which is a collaboration with psychologist Debra Moore, who has done extensive work with children, teens, and adults on the autism spectrum. This episode highlights Dr. Grandin’s powerful personal insights and wisdom with practical support and help from Dr. Moore. In this lively conversation, Drs. Grandin and Moore delve into a number of topics, from how to teach your child basic skills to what you can do to identify and stretch your child’s strengths and interests. The authors also share their belief that many educators, parents, and caregivers underestimate their kids, and they offer advice on what parents can do to help their child reach their highest potential. 

Interested in ABA services for your child? Contact Us: https://lrnbvr.com/contact

Interested in a career in the ABA field? Apply Now: https://lrnbvr.com/apply-now

All Autism Talk (allautismtalk.com) is sponsored by LEARN Behavioral (learnbehavioral.com/learnacademy).

Addressing the Cultural Needs of Families with Autism

Corina Jimenez-Gomez, faculty at Auburn University, and Lauren Beaulieu a behavior analyst for 20 years join us to discuss the importance of culturally responsive services in ABA. Along with their extensive work educating others in this area, they each bring their personal experiences to this important conversation. Corina is a mother and Venezuelan native now living in Alabama. Lauren also shares insights she has gained from her marriage to an Italian immigrant. There is so much rich information about how professionals can take responsibility and action to better serve families. One bit of advice offered to those just beginning their careers was, “Do a self-assessment and then get the training and focus on those soft skills that we tend to ignore in masters programs. Focus on relationship building. You may have to step outside your program to get that.”

Training: https://institute.centralreach.com/pages/cultural-competency-in-applied-behavior-analysis

Interested in ABA Services for you child? Contact Us: https://lrnbvr.com/contact

Interested in a Career in the ABA Field? Apply Now: https://lrnbvr.com/apply-now

All Autism Talk (allautismtalk.com) is sponsored by LEARN Behavioral (learnbehavioral.com).

Female Life on the Spectrum – Insights from Jennifer Cook

Jennifer Cook was diagnosed on the autism spectrum at the age of 35 and is raising three children on the spectrum. She is the author of seven bestselling, award-winning books. This lively conversation had our host, Katherine Johnson laughing and crying. Jennifer provides perspective on why diagnosis has been widely missed in girls and women and promotes her philosophy of helping others, “Move from feeling like a mistake to feeling like a miracle”.


For More Information:





All Autism Talk (allautismtalk.com) is sponsored by LEARN Behavioral (learnbehavioral.com).

Autism Today: A Look at How Far We Have Come and What is Still Needed

Dr. Fred Volkmar, a professor at Yale University with over 40 years in the field of autism-related studies, joins us to provide perspective on how far we have come in the diagnosis, research, and services for individuals with autism.  With all the gains, there is still a great need for more research.  As Dr. Volkmar put it, “I think until we get more parents pushing for work on adults, we’re just not going to see it. You have to put your money where your mouth is and I think the federal government needs to fund more research on adults with autism”. Dr. Volkmar also discusses his latest book written with his wife, Dorothy Goodwin which aims to provide parents with practical help for their family.

For More Information:

Book: https://lrnbvr.com/wiley
Yale Autism Seminar: https://lrnbvr.com/yale-autism-seminar
Center of Excellance on ASD: https://www.southernct.edu/asd-center

All Autism Talk (allautismtalk.com) is sponsored by LEARN Behavioral (learnbehavioral.com).

Follow Your Passions: The Vast Areas of Interest in ABA

Dr. Danquah-Brobby is an international psychologist and board certified behavior analyst currently serving as the ABA Chair for the Chicago School of Professional Psychology’s Washington, DC Campus. Paula joins us to talk about a variety of topics related to the education, professional progression, and interests of behavior analysts.  From teaching young learners to working internationally, this conversation highlights the many opportunities to diversify your work and experiences in the field of ABA. Paula and Richie discuss parallels in their careers and the moments that define success for their clients, their students, and themselves. As Paula shared, “I saw the beauty and the science of ABA and I thought – alright, I am going to be in this career for the rest of my life”.

For more information:


All Autism Talk (allautismtalk.com) is sponsored by LEARN Behavioral (learnbehavioral.com).

Women in Behavior Analysis with Devon Sundberg

Devon Sundberg, M.S., BCBA is the founder of the groundbreaking (and long overdue) Women in Behavior Analysis Conference (WIBA).  Devon shares how raising three daughters helped open her eyes to how gendered life can be (including party food). Having previously founded an ABA company (BACA) with her husband, Devon was acutely aware of the need for more awareness of the women in her field. Devon shared,  “The research shows, this is a field full of women and yet we haven’t received the professional appointments or the awards or been invited presenters at the Ph.D. level.” This year at the 5th WIBA conference(July 29-31), will include inductees to the Women in Behavior Analysis Hall of Fame.

For More Information:


All Autism Talk (allautismtalk.com) is sponsored by LEARN Behavioral (learnbehavioral.com).

Managing Your Child’s Screen Time During COVID-19 with Katherine Johnson, BCBA

The sudden disruption in routine due to COVID-19 is challenging for all individuals to manage as we adjust to a new, and hopefully short-lived, normal of staying at home and ceasing most of our regular activities. For families of individuals with autism and other disabilities, the disruption can be especially challenging.

Resources Discussed:

Cosmic Kids Yoga: https://www.youtube.com/CosmicKidsYoga

Raz Kids: https://www.raz-kids.com/

Epic: https://www.getepic.com/

Prodigy: https://www.prodigygame.com/

DreamBox: https://www.dreambox.com/

Out School: https://outschool.com/

Story Time from Space: https://storytimefromspace.com/library/

Bark: https://www.bark.us/

For more helpful tips and resources, sign up for our Parent Newsletter at learnbehavioral.com/learnacademy/parentresources.

All Autism Talk (allautismtalk.com) is sponsored by LEARN Behavioral (learnbehavioral.com/learnacademy).

Tips and Resources for Families during COVID-19 with Katherine Johnson, BCBA

The sudden disruption in routine due to COVID-19 is challenging for all individuals to manage as we adjust to a new, and hopefully short-lived, normal of staying at home and ceasing most of our regular activities. For families of individuals with autism and other disabilities, the disruption can be especially challenging.

Richie has a conversation with Katherine Johnson, BCBA and founder of Advances Learning Center to share helpful tips and resources for you and family during this time.

Katherine has a Master of Arts degree in Behavior Disorders and Applied Behavior Analysis from Columbia University Teachers College and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (Charter Certificant). Katherine has taught in both private and public schools at pre-school and elementary levels and has provided educational consultation services to public schools and home programs. She has taught undergraduate behavior analysis courses at Northeastern University and graduate level courses at Simmons College, has provided parent training through the May Institute, and is on the Advisory Board for the undergraduate psychology program in Applied Behavior Analysis at Regis College. Katherine also currently serves as Vice President of MassCAP.

Resources Discussed:

Go Noodle: https://www.gonoodle.com/ 

Privilege Points: http://www.privilegepoints.com/

For more helpful tips and resources, sign up for our Parent Newsletter at learnbehavioral.com/learnacademy/parentresources.

All Autism Talk (allautismtalk.com) is sponsored by LEARN Behavioral (learnbehavioral.com/learnacademy).